- ‘World War II: Endgame’ Interviewed for TV documentary film (WildBear Entertainment, exp. 2025)
- ‘The Prague Spring’ Lecture Series, MASSOLIT Online Education (2024)
- Plenary Lecture, Ecclesiastical History Society, University of Warwick (2023)
- Annual Lecture to the General Meeting of the Keston Institute, London (2023)
- ‘Cold War Martyrology in 1950s Central Europe’, ESSHC conference, Gothenburg (2023)
- ‘Reconsidering the Czechoslovak Political Trials’, BASEES annual conference, Cambridge (2022)
- ‘Bible-Smuggling behind the Iron Curtain’, Ruusbroec Institute, University of Antwerp (2022)
- ‘Bibles, Suffering and Material Religion behind the Iron Curtain’, Lund University, Sweden (2022)
- ‘Ukraine Crisis Q&A with the Central and East European Research Group’ (2022)
- ‘Evangelicals under Communist regimes in Post-War East-Central Europe’, Baylor College (2021)
- Interviews with New York Times/BBC Radio 4 on the last Communist leader of Czechoslovakia:
- BBC Radio 4 ‘Last Word’ (31 July 2020)
- New York Times obituary of Miloš Jakeš (24 July 2020)
- Interview with Jude Collins on Nationalism (18 July 2020) http://www.judecollins.com/2020/07/jude-zoom-chats-to-prof-mary-heimann-about-czechoslovakia-and-nationalism/
- Book launch/evening at the Prague Business Club (26 February 2020) http://www.praguebusinessclub.cz/cs/udalosti/
- Czech media responses to Czech edition of Československo
- http://maryheimann-ceskoslovensko.cz/
- Interview on DVTV news (10 March 2020)
- Interview with Emma Smetana for DVTV
- Opening plenary, ‘The Franciscan Legacy from the 13th Century to the 21st’, Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University (November 2019) Remembering St Francis. Constructions and Deconstructions
- Peacemaking after the First World War, National Archives/Foreign and Commonwealth Office Lancaster House, London (27-28 June 2019)
- Central European Symposium ‘1989 and Beyond’ (11 April 2019) https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/events/2019/apr/central-european-symposium-1989-and-beyond-new-shape-europe
- Prague Business Club author evening (14 February 2019) http://www.businessclub.cz/cs/udalosti/
- Czechoslovakia100, Cardiff (11 May 2018) https://czechoslovakia100.wordpress.com/
- TEDx Cardiff 2017 (speaker) https://www.tedxcardiff.co.uk/
- ‘In Dark Times: An Anti-Lecture’ (7 April 2017) with Sandy Grant, Professor of Philosophy and Ambreena Manji, Professor of Law https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dark-times-an-anti-lecture-philosopher-sandy-grant-on-speech-resistance-tickets-33040521088
- ‘Czechs and Slovaks Abroad’, BASEES 2017, University of Cambridge
- ‘Thinking about Revolution’, public roundtable discussion (Chair and participant), Cardiff University (February 2017) http://www.r17.wales
- Keynote speaker, Catholic Record Society conference, University of Cambridge (25-27 July 2016) #CatholicRS #CathRS16
- ‘St Francis and the Modern Imagination’, EHR conference on Modern Religious History, University of Stirling (14-15 June 2016) http://royalhistsoc.org/calendar
- ‘The Mindszenty Affair and the U.S. Embassy in Budapest’, Embassies in Crisis, The British Academy, London (9 June 2016) #Embcrisis
- Speaker, Roundtable discussion ‘How We Write, Multilingually’, University of Glasgow (24 February 2016)
- ‘The Mystery of Czech Secularism’, American Society of Church History, American Historical Association (10 January 2016)
- Co-organisor (with Dr Erin Jessee and Dr Catherine Baker), ‘Democratizing History in Central and Eastern Europe’, Scottish Oral History Centre (11 September 2015) #demhist2015
- ‘On the Silencing of Inconvenient History’, Czech Journalism Summer School (Letní žurnalistická škola), Havlíčkův Brod, Czechia (22 August 2015) http://www.letnizurnalistickaskola.cz/lzs-2015/lzs-2015/
- ‘Czechoslovakia’s Peaceful Division’, Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes workshop on ‘Regional Stability in the South Caucasus’ held in Kyiv/Kiev, Ukraine (26-29 March 2015).
- Partnership for Peace conflict resolution workshop, Kyiv/Kiev, Ukraine, March 2015. Helped formulate policy recommendations, subsequently adopted by NATO, to promote regional stability in the South Caucasus.www.pfp-consortium.org.